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Our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in our workplace and supply chains is clearly demonstrated by our statements and commitments in this policy.


It is important to note that any employee violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may result in legal action, including dismissal, being initiated against them. We have the right to terminate our relations with other individuals, organizations or employees who violate this policy.


As BAFA, we have zero tolerance for human trafficking or slavery and unequivocally support the human rights of our employees and the employees of our suppliers worldwide. By maintaining this commitment, we support the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the CGF (Consumer Goods Forum) Social Resolution Against Forced Labor. We support the primary principles and the International Labor Organization's core standards on forced labor, child labor, freedom of association and discrimination.


It also includes California Transparency in the Supply Chains Act of 2010 (“CA Act”) and the UK’s Modern Slavery Act of 2015 (“UK Act”), and by increasing transparency these laws reduce slavery and human trafficking in global supply chains. We support prevention and elimination intentions.


On the other hand, our company implements employment and personnel policies that comply with labor laws and support our culture of honesty and respect. are policies that ensure fair treatment regardless of non-professional distinctions such as nationality, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief.


As an ethical company that believes in doing good for the society by doing our job properly, we are proud of our stance. We support the principles of the law and exert maximum effort to implement a set of policies that include provisions designed to remove modern slavery from our jobs and supply chains.

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